Candida RecoveryMy Personal Journey |
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Why so much controversy? Who's right?I can't tell you how many emails I've received since 1996 and which I've painstakingly answered one at a time. It seems like the above kind of email comes in at least once a day. I am prepared to write a long response each time, depending on a person's circumstance. But honestly, I need to say this to almost everyone who writes for the first time, so I finally decided it's worth putting my response on my website. First of all, diet and probiotics are not enough. Probiotics help to replenish the good bacteria in your system, but you will not recover by just that. If it were possible, then candida would not be such a big deal, I'd have no need for a recovery story, health food stores would not have dozens of products for it, it would not be an epidemic. Yes, you need probiotics. Nature's Way Primadophilus is an excellent brand. Take 2, three times a day preferably on an empty stomach. Diet. You think you can't do the diet? Listen, this is the only "diet" in the world that lets you eat foods like lasagna and a small dollop of whipping cream on your sugarless jello. This is a totally do-able diet. You need to understand that your problem right now is that in spite of HOW you got your candida condition (i.e. antibiotics, birth control pill, stress, toxicity, etc.), the fact is that you are FEEDING the candida yeast with foods containing sugar, yeast, mold, fermentation, vinegar. And these foods are in practically everything that is in a box or jar. I know that scares you, especially if you are used to shopping for canned and boxed goods. You need to shop differently, indeed, but you do not need to shop at a health food store or order any special cookbooks. Understand you cannot have ANY form of sugar on this diet - no glucose, fructose, NO FRUIT, sucrose, sucralose, splenda, molasses, sugar of course, brown sugar, molasses, honey, brown rice syrup, maple syrup, corn syrup, malt, maltodextrin, booze of any kind, liqueur, liquor, vodka, wine, beer, whatever - none. But NO FRUIT is very key because lots of websites, doctors, naturopaths, books, will tell you that you can have "one fruit a day" or "only granny smith apples" or "only berries" or "only bananas". On the program I was put on I was told NO FRUIT. ** I have received some emails telling me that people have recovered from candida while including natural sugars like honey and maple syrup, or fruit, in their candida diet, and if that is the case, lucky you. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was not to have ANY form of sugar, not natural or any kind. So if you want to follow the program I was on, you must avoid natural sugars too. I do not want to argue this point with anyone who wants to try doing this program using natural sugars. I didn't eat them and I recovered just fine, and this is MY experience according to MY doctor, so please don't email me if your doctor said you can have fruit & natural sugar. Sorry. There is also the 3 p's - peanuts, pistachios and preservatives. These are to be avoided. The other foods - grains (must be whole grains), and vinegar, mold & fermented foods MUST BE WELL COOKED/HEATED/TOASTED AND EATEN HOT. So that opens to the door to all and any food that does not contain sugar. That leaves a LOT of food.
Now I want you to re-think the "diet" not as a diet, but as a TEMPORARY way of eating so that you AVOID FEEDING THE CANDIDA. And the probiotics are not going to kill the candida or anything, so you need more than that if you are going to do THIS particular program. You must stick to 50 gm or fewer of carbs per day. PLAN your meals!!! If you know you're going to want some popcorn after dinner, and you want some sugarless chocolate cream pie for dessert - then don't start the day with two pieces of toast!!! Be SMART about what you eat and PLAN your days and you will have no trouble with it. But I digress. What I wanted to say here was that you need a good "yeast buster" - and caprylic acid is a good product easily available at health food stores. It's a fatty acid, and you take it with meals, and the yeast don't like it so they will stay away from what you ingest, and eventually die of starvation. The Formula SF722 which I took is available from lots of sources - see my " program" link for starters (may as well order it from Amazon), and you need TWO PER MEAL no matter what you hear, see or read about the dosage. Dr. Piller TESTS his patients for how many they need, and almost everyone tests out at 2 per meal. Taking more does not speed up the healing process - it also is only a fatty acid, and the yeast don't like it. Taking more than 2 is just a waste of money.As for what else * I * took, remember that I was tested by Dr. Piller in person and I needed support for my parathyroid, my gall bladder, my ovaries, various other things, but that has nothing to do with you. You may well also have a sluggish parathyroid, and/or parotid, and/or any other gland, organ or hormone. I can't help you with this. You need to find a good naturopath to help you with that. Or learn the basics of muscle testing and find out for yourself. Read the info link about the parathyroid, as lots of people need support for this and don't know it, and it's often the missing culprit that finally gets a person free of candida once and for all. |
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